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SOC 225 - Solutions to Social Problems

Research assistance for students in Erika Giesen's Sociology 225 course.

Finding Sociology Articles

Finding Solution-focused Sources

The main way you will find articles that meet your assignment requirements is to do as your professor suggests and skim many sources before you select the ones you will use. However, there are some keywords you can add to some searches to narrow your results a bit. Make sure you are adding them separated by OR, and try removing some or all of them if you are not seeing relevant results.

"case study" OR "pilot program" OR framework OR intervention OR policy OR procedure OR program OR reform OR sociology

Not all articles that contain these keywords will meet your requirements, and some useful articles will not contain these keywords, so be willing to adjust your search and evaluate the articles you select carefully.

Finding International Research

Your assignment requires you to choose a source focused on a country other than the US. You might already have a country in mind; if you do just enter the country name or names along with your other search terms in one of the search lines of the database. Put multiple countries in the same line separated by OR, and connect them to you other search terms using AND. 

EBSCO advanced search

If you're not sure what country to choose or are otherwise struggling to find non-US articles the Geographic (in EBSCO) or Location (in the Criminal Justice database) filters will show you some of the countries covered in the results of your search. Look for it on the lower left.

example geography filter in EBSCO databases

APA Style

There are many resources available to help you format your citations in APA style. You should be able to find examples of the types of sources you will use for your work in this class in the links below. Library databases generally offer the option to format citations for the sources found within; this is a useful starting point and you can use the sources below to check them for accuracy.