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Reference Desk

Start here for all your reference needs. Help with understanding research assignments as well as finding, evaluating, incorporating, and citing sources.

RCC Libraries Video Tutorials

January 2025: EBSCO has updated their interface so some features have moved or changed. Folders are no longer available. Updated videos coming soon.

January 2025: EBSCO has updated their interface so some features have moved or changed. Folders are no longer available. Updated videos coming soon.

January 2025: EBSCO has updated their interface so some features have moved or changed. Folders are no longer available. Updated videos coming soon.

Embed content into Blackboard

To embed any of these resources directly into a class in Blackboard, RCC instructors can access the direct links and embed codes (when available) here: Library Instructional Videos & Tutorials Catalog

Please contact the Reference Librarians for more information.

Interactive Tutorials from Austin Community College